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Distinctive Design. Long-Lasting Performance.

ASC Building Products is a leading manufacturer of premium metal roofing and metal siding products for the residential, agricultural, and commercial segments. As a trusted brand for over 50 years, you can count on ASC Building Products’ variety of metal panels and colors to provide performance, long-lasting value, and peace of mind to protect what’s important. ASC Building Products sells through a vast network of reliable distributors and home improvement centers.

With over 50 years of manufacturing premium metal roofing and siding, we are here to help you get answers.

Ask an Metal Roofing Expert

Your Trusted Metal Roofing Supplier

ASC Building Products offers a broad range of performance-rated metal panel options including standing seam, corrugated panels, and thru-fastened panels. As the West Coast’s leading metal roofing supplier, we offer:

  • Choice – Several standing seam widths and designs to meet all project visions.
  • Trust – All products are independently verified to meet building code structural and fire resistance properties.
  • Technology – Over 20 stunning metal colors featuring cool pigment technology to lower building cooling costs.
  • Inspiration – Our AI-powered visualizer, project gallery, and sample library provide the resources you need to get inspired for your next project.

A Versatile Metal Siding Supplier

ASC Building Products offers a diverse range of siding options for residential, commercial, and agricultural applications. As a leading supplier for both rural and urban areas, we offer:

  • Optionality – Several thru-fastened siding options with different rib designs, heights, and colors.
  • Performance – All thru-fastened profiles are independently verified to meet building code structural and fire resistance properties.
  • Support – We offer a comprehensive range of video and printed installation resources to get your next project completed on time and on budget.

Latest Metal Roofing and Siding Blogs

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

