4 Simple Steps to Ensure Your Metal Siding’s Longevity
Basic Home Maintenance to Ensure Your Siding’s Longevity
You live in a home, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with exteriors. Keep your house looking good and running well by treating your siding with care!
Metal siding is a popular choice for residential and commercial buildings. Metal siding is easy to install and long – lasting.
Metal siding is designed to last 50 years, but proper home maintenance is key to ensuring it’s longevity.
Depending on where you live, your house will need different types of siding. Construction materials in the location of your home will affect the frequency of cleaning and maintenance you need. For example, if you live close to a freeway or industrial area, you might need to clean your exterior sides more often.
In this blog we have listed four tips you should keep in mind to maintain your home’s siding.
Your home’s metal siding was designed to stand up to the elements; however, wear and tear is normal with any product. Taking the time to regularly check your siding for damage can keep any potential issues from worsening and save you money and hassle. Doing a thorough visual inspection once every 6 months should do the trick.
Aside from significant damages, you may also want to check your home’s siding for visible scratches or color fade. All siding will fade over time as it’s exposed to UV rays and environmental factors; however, if you notice signs of premature aging, and are still in your warranty period you may be able to address the issue. If you suspect any premature degradation, contact ASC Building Products or visit our Warranty Page for more info.
While shrubberies, bushes, and trees give your home aesthetic appeal, having then too close to the house will affect your house’s siding state. When plants or objects rub against your home’s siding, it creates scratches, traps in moisture and deposits debris, thus causing damage.
There is also an additional fire hazard created by having plants and items near a home. Metal siding is noncombustible, and arguably one of the best materials to put on your home to reduce the risk of fire, but the risk of embers entering through openings such as attic vents is exacerbated when combustible items are close to your home.
It is recommended that you keep an area of up to 5 ft. of your home clear of debris and plant matter. This is considered the “ember-resistant zone”, and it’s a defensible space zone that includes the area under and around all attached decks. For more about Defensible Spaces click here or check out our blog on How to Reduce Fire Risk.
There’s nothing quite like keeping things clean to ensure that anything would last long and in top shape. The same principle applies to your home’s siding. A simple rinse with a hose using tap water is sufficient; however, a 1/3 cup of Tide® detergent dissolved in one gallon of water, followed by a clear rinse can be used for more stubborn grime – but don’t use abrasives or chemical cleaners.
Homeowners are increasingly opting for metal siding because of its long-lasting material that can withstand any weather. Metal siding is also more aesthetically appealing than other siding materials.
Your home’s siding should last for years with minimum maintenance on your part. You can get by with washing your house’s siding only once a year, this is something we tell our clients at Maid Sailors Maid Service Chicago, but keeping things clean and taking a visual stock of your siding will keep your siding looking better, longer. Some basic yard and home maintenance can really help keep your metal siding looking and performing optimally.
– Maid Sailors
When to Clean Your Siding?
This is a question that must be asked. As with most things, there are different opinions. Some people believe you should clean your siding every year, while others believe you should do it every other year. Clean your siding once per year to keep it looking shiny and new. Dirt and grime will accumulate on the surface of your home. Pressure washing is usually the key to getting most of this off. Companies can be hired to help you clean your siding, but if you are doing it yourself, be sure to cover your windows with a tarp and wear gardening gloves.
When to Paint Your Siding?
When painting your siding, whether it’s the exterior interior, you will need to determine what type of paint is needed. You can check with a professional for this information, but there are also some general guidelines that you can follow. Exterior paint should be applied every three years, while interior paint should be applied every five years.
When to Hire a Pro for Siding Repairs?
If you’ve found yourself with thousands of dollars in repairs, it might be time to talk to a professional. If your siding needs more than a new paint job or a replacement panel, this is the only way to go.
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