Standing seam is a popular metal roofing product suitable for both residential and light commercial applications.It offers superior performance, a clean appearance, and can be installed on most building types.
Standing Seam panels reflect one continuous panel piece from ridge to eave. Standing seam includes a broad range of products, designs, and attachment types, offering different visual appeal and performance.
The seam is the vertical rib of the panel that also locks the panels together. It is raised from the flat base (or pan) of the profile. Standing seam is a concealed fastener roof system as the attachment point to the building is concealed by the seam, providing superior weathertightness.
Skyline Roofing®
Skyline Roofing® hp
Design Span® hp
Our most popular standing seam roofing product. It offers a balance of performance, value, ease of installation, and wide range of colors. Making it ideal for most residential new build and retrofit projects.
Improves upon the strength of Skyline Roofing with a thicker metal and a commercial-grade paint system. The same installation and product features as Skyline but offers increased performance.
Our signature, performance-rated structural standing seam panel. Design Span attaches to the roof deck with a clip system which allows for greater thermal movement and higher resistance to extreme wind and water infiltration.
Download our Product Guide for our complete Metal Roofing & Siding product offering. Get it Now
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