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TriLap® Steel Siding for Alaska

TriLap® Steel Siding is a concealed fastener steel siding panel that emulates the appearance of three wide-lapped boards, offering a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for various construction projects. This long-lasting panel is ideal for both residential and light commercial developments, particularly in regions with harsh environmental conditions.

Engineered to outperform traditional materials like wood, aluminum, or vinyl, TriLap® Steel Siding is well-suited for demanding climates, such as those found in Alaska. Its robust construction ensures resilience against the elements, providing reliable protection and longevity for your structures.

Available in a variety of colors, TriLap® steel siding offers design flexibility to complement diverse architectural styles. The panel provides full 16″ coverage in a durable, abrasion-resistant Dura Tech™ zt paint system, ensuring long-lasting beauty and minimal maintenance.

  • Application: Siding
  • Gauge: 26
  • Coverage: 16″

Testing and Performance

  • Metal roofing is well-known for its durability by defying the elements.
  • Wall assemblies are rated for fire resistance (UL263) when installed in accordance with UL listings.
  • All testing performed by accredited third-party.

Additional Features

  • Metal siding Installation: Horizontal.
  • Custom manufactured panel lengths: 6′-0″ to 46′-0″.
  • Manufactured ONLY in Anchorage, AK.

Oil Canning Disclaimer

Oil Canning: All flat metal surfaces can display waviness commonly referred to as “oil canning”. “Oil canning” is an inherent characteristic of steel products, not a defect, and therefore is not a cause for panel rejection. Oil Canning Technical Bulletin. PDF | RTF

Product Specific Info

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

